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Authored book

Tseng, C. (2013). Cohesion in film: Tracking film elements. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

David Bordwell's brief comments about this book here


International Journal Articles

Tseng C., van Leeuwen, T. and Djonov, E. (2025) The fragmentation and plasticity of space in film. Multimodality & Society.

Markhabayeva D and Tseng C. (2024) Multimodal cohesion and viewers' comprehension of scene transitions in film: an empirical investigation. Frontier in Communication 9:1347788. https://doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1347788

Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (2023) Multimodal discourse analysis as a method for revealing narrative strategies in news videos. Multimodal Communication 12,

Tseng, C. and Djonov, E. (2022) Children’s comprehension of time in audiovisual narratives: A multimodal discourse and empirical approach. Linguistics and Education.

Tseng, C. and Thiele, L. (2022). Actions and digital empathy in interactive storytelling of serious games: Multimodal discourse approach. Social Semiotics.

Tseng, C., Laubrock, J. and Bateman, J. (2021). The impact of multimodal cohesion on attention and interpretation in film. Discourse, Context & Media 44, 100544. pdf

Dionov, E., Tseng, C. and Lim, F. (2021). Children’s experiences with a transmedia narrative: Insights for promoting critical multimodal literacy in the digital age. Discourse, Context and Media 43, 100493. pdf

Djonov, E. and Tseng, C. (2021). Harnessing the potential of transmedia narratives for critical multimodal literacy. Critical Discourse Studies 18, 349--367. 

Tseng, C. and Altenberg, T. (2019). Blending fact and fiction in graphic war narratives: A diachronic analysis of Argentine Falklands War comics. ImageText: Interdisciplinary comic studies 11.1. Open access

Tseng, C. (2018). The impact of new visual media on the discourse and persuasion of the war film genre. Film Studies 19, 34-52. pdf 

Tseng, C. (2018). Narrative functions and impacts of screen violence: A discourse approach to analyzing violent events in audio-visual text. Cognitive Semiotics 12. pdf


Tseng, C. and Bateman, J. (2018). Cohesion in comics and graphic novels: an empirical comparative approach to transmedial adaptation in City of Glass. Adaptation: 11, 122-143. pdf

Tseng, C. (2017). Beyond the media boundaries: analysing how dominant genre devices shape our narrative knowledge. Discourse, Context and Media 20, 227--238. pdf


Tseng, C. (2017). Analysing narrativised space in moving images: A multimodal discourse approach to narrative complexity and transmedial comparison. Multimodal Communication 6, 61--82. pdf

Hiippala, T. and Tseng, C. (2017). Editorial: Media evolution and genre expectations. Discourse, Context and Media 20, 157--159.

Bateman, J., Tseng, C., Seizov, O., Jacob, A., Lüdtke, A., Müller M. and Herzog O. (2016). Towards next generation visual archives: Image, film and discourse. Visual Studies 31, 131--154. pdf

Tseng, C. (2016). Revisiting dynamic space in film. Semiotica 210, 129--149. pdf

Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (2013). The establishment of interpretative expectations in film. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16, 353--368. pdf


Tseng, C. (2013). Analyzing characters' interactions in filmic text: A functional semiotic approach. Social Semiotics 23, 587--605. pdf


Tseng, C. (2012). Audiovisual texture in scene transition. Semiotica 192, 123--160. pdf

Tseng, C. and Bateman, J. (2012). Multimodal narrative construction in Christopher Nolan's Memento: a description of method.Visual Communication 11, 91--119. pdf

Peer-reviewed conference papers

(Best Paper Award) Cheema, G., Arafat, J., Tseng, C.  Bateman, J. A., Ewerth R. and Müller-Budack, E.(2024)  Identification of Speaker Roles and News Situations in News Broadcast Videos. ICMR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval.

Tseng, C.Liebl, BBurghardt, M.Bateman J.A. (2023). FakeNarratives – First Forays in Understanding Narratives of Disinformation in Public and Alternative.  In Busch, A.Trilcke, P, editors, 9. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, DHd 2023, Belval, Luxembourg and Trier, Germany, March 13 - 17, 2022. pages 138, 2023.

Tseng, C. and Djonov E. (2023) Children's comprehension of time in film. Annual Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature. Monopoli, Italy. 

Book Chapters

Tseng, C. and Bateman, J. (In Press). Multimodal semiotic analyses of transmedia adaptation in comics and graphic novels: the method and analysis of a child's development in comic drawings. In Lim, V. and Unsworth, L. (ed.), The Handbook of Education Semiotics. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (In Press). Triangulating multimodality: recent developments in integrating empirical, semiotic and hermeneutic methods, Multimodality: From Corpus to Cognition, Bloomsbury.

Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (2025). Multimodal Cohesion. In Chapelle, C. A. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley - Blackwell.

Bateman, J. Burghardt, M and Tseng, C. (2023).  Narrative Strukturen als Mittel der indirekten Kritik in der audiovisuellen Nachrichtenberichterstattung. in Preußer, H-P and Schluckers, S. (ed.) Bestimmte UnbestimmtheitOffene Struktur und funktionale Lenkung in audiovisuellen Medien. Schüren. 

Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (2023). Linguistik und Multimodalität: Die Integration empirischer, semiotischer und hermeneutischer Methoden durch Triangulation, in Siefkes, M. and Meiler, M. (ed.) Linguistische Methodenreflexion im Aufbruch. Berlin: De Gruyter.  

Tseng, C. (2020). Truthfulness and affect via digital mediation in audiovisual storytelling, in Elleström, L. (ed.) Beyond Media Borders: Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (Open access)

Tseng, C., Laubrock, J. and Pflaeging, J. (2018). Character developments in comics and graphic novels: A systematic analytical scheme. Laubrock, J., Wildfeuer, J. and Dunst, A. (ed.), Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Multimodal, and Cognitive Methods. London: Routledge. pdf

Tseng, C. (2018). Unraveling the myth of multiple endings in film. In Björkvall, A., Boeriis, M., Djonov E. and Zhao S. (eds.), Advancing Multimodal and Critical Discourse Studies: Interdisciplinary Research Inspired by Theo Van Leeuwen's Social Semiotics. London: Routledge. pdf


Tseng, C. (2017). Film space as performing space: A stratified semiotic perspective. In Sindoni, M., Wildfeuer J. and O'Halloran K. (eds.), Multimodal Perspective on Performing Art. London: Routledge. pdf


Bateman, J. and Tseng, C. (2015). The establishment of interpretative expectations in film. In Pinar Sanz, M. (ed.), Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Tseng, C. and Bateman, J. (2013). A multimodal approach to cinematic authorship. In Djonov, E. and Zhao, S.(eds.), Critical Multimodal Studies of Popular Culture. London: Routledge. pdf

Tseng, C. (2012). Multimodal Communication: Bateman, John A. In Chapelle, C. A. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.


Tseng, C. and Bateman, J. (2010). Chain and choice in film narrative: an analysis of multimodal narrative construction in The Fountain. In Hoffmann, C. (ed.), Narrative Revisited: Telling a Story in the Age of New, Multimodal Media. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pdf


Tseng, C. (2008). Coherence and cohesive harmony in filmic text. In Unsworth, L. (ed.), Multimodal Semiotics: Functional Analysis in Contexts of Education. London: Continuum. pdf


Hiippala, T. and Tseng, C. (2017) special issue on "Media evolution and genre expectations" in Discourse, Context and Media 20.

Wildfeuer, J., Pflaeging, J., Bateman, J., Seizov, O. and Tseng, C. (2019) Multimodality: discipline thoughts and the challenge of diversity. Berlin: De Gruyter.

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