Dr. Chiao-I Tseng
Multimodal Communication.
Discourse. Society.
Integrative approach to mutlimodal narratives
My research triangulates multimodal semiotic analysis (substantially drawing on functional semiotic theories) and the findings from socio-cultural, aesthetic and empirical studies.
On the basis of the integrative approach, I have published papers on the following research themes (most papers in pdf are downloadable from my publication list):

Research topics
Analytical methods of multimodal narratives
Narrative space and time
Combining social issues and empirical studies of media effects:
Pro-social messages and persuasive functions
Characters' actions, point-of-view and motivations as persuasive devices for social influences
Pro-social and critical effects of blending fact and fiction in graphic, filmic and interactive narratives
Narratives in science, risk/benefit communication
Screen violence
Media and aesthetics
Transmedia, cross-cultural adaptation
E.g. cross-cultural adaptation of a Kurosawa's film High and Low and a detective novel
E.g. comparisons between the meta-fiction City of Glass and its comic adaptation
Character analysis and development
Non-linear/puzzle films
Embedding and blending of narrative space in complex films
Film beginnings and Film endings in complex films
Cohesive devices in scene transition in puzzle films such as Memento, 2046, The Fountain, etc.
Genre comparison
Comparisons of action patterns between War and Western films
Silent thriller graphic novel and meta-fiction comics
Cohesion and auteur features in Ingmar Bergman's films
Multimedia frames and channels in film and graphic novels
Narrative space in film as theatrical performing space
Multimodal literacy:
Design of transmedia narratives for teaching and learning
Children's comprehension of time in audiovisual narratives
Testing multimodal semiotic methods with empirical investigations:
Narrative strategies and AI (automatic detection of narrative patterns in film and news videos)
Cohesion devices and eye-tracking experiments
Cohesion devices and neural functional analysis (fMRI)
Temporal features in film and children's comprehension tests