Dr. Chiao-I Tseng
Multimodal Communication.
Discourse. Society.
Contact Emails
tseng at uni-bremen.de
chiaoi.tseng at ait.gu.se
I am a multimodal linguist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Information Technology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. I am also affiliated to the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Sciences at the University of Bremen, Germany. My area of research focuses on using multimodal discourse and empirical methods to investigate narrative strategies, interpretation and impact across audiovisual, graphic and digital media.
I completed my PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Bremen. I also have an MA in Language and Communication Research from Cardiff University (U.K.), an MA in Translation Studies from University of Bath, U.K.
I specialise in developing and empirically investigating discourse methods for analysing visual and audiovisual text structures and contents, particularly the methods for multimodal cohesion and coherence, events actions, narrative impact, narrative time and space.
Currently, I am applying these methods in a research project on children's understanding of transmedia narratives (with Dr. Emilia Djonov, Macquarie University) and in an interdisciplinary project FakeNarrative, which is on semi-automatic detection of narrative strategies and disinformation in online news videos.
Apart from the current research focuses, I have published papers on applying these methods to addressing a wide variety of socio-cultural and stylistic issues such as persuasion and manipulation of (audio)visual narratives, digital communication in serious games, online news, complex/non-linear film narratives, characters' developments, genre comparison, authorship, screen violence, transmedia adaptation, children's narrative interpretation and learning.
I have also been working with scholars from the various disciplines such as computer science, psychology, education, cultural studies, ethnography, media aesthetics. I specialise in combining multimodal discourse analysis with empirical approaches such as eye-tracking experiments, automatic audio-visual detection in computer science, fMRI in neuroscience.